Ks0210 keyestudio RPI TTP229L 16-key Capacitive Touch Keypad

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This keypad is designed for Raspberry Pi and supplies your Pi with 16 keys. It has an I2C communication mode and uses 3.3 V supply voltage with a power indicator.
We provide you with installation package, source codes and a document to help you complete your programs.



  • Chip: TTP229-LSF
  • Supply Voltage: 3.3V
  • Interface: I2C

Shipping List

  • keyestudio RPI TTP229L 16-key Capacitive Touch Keypad x1
  • M2.5*6MM screw x 6
  • M2.5*19MM copper pillar x 3


Connection Diagram

Plug it directly into Raspberry Pi to start your works as shown in below figure.
After power-on have about 0.5sec stable-time. During the time do not touch the key pad, and all functions are disabled.

Sample Code

 #include <bcm2835.h>  
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    unsigned char WriteBuf;
    unsigned char WriteBuf1;  
    unsigned int ReadBuf0;  

    int main(int argc, char **argv)  
        if (!bcm2835_init())  
        return 1;  

		WriteBuf = 0x00;  
		bcm2835_i2c_read (&ReadBuf0,2);        
		printf ("\r");
		fflush (stdout);
        return 0;  

Program Writing

1.Installing bcm-2835 Library

Here is the tutorial for installing bcm-2835 library in Raspberry Pi. To install bcm-2835, first we need to download bcm2835 library. So we will provide an installation package or click its official web http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835/ to download it.

Step1: Now after downloading library, copy it in any folder of your raspberry pi by winSCP(we provide its installation package, but please refer to usage by yourselves).

Step2: Now it’s time to extract the library, so open terminal of raspberry pi and go to the folder where you have copied your library and type this command: tar zxvf bcm2835-1.26.tar.gz

Step3: Now to into library folder, type this command: cd bcm2835-1.26

Step4: Now, we are ready to install bcm2835 library, so to start installation type this command: ./configure

Step5: then type this command: make

Step6: then this: sudo make check

Step7:and finally this: sudo make install

Congrats your library is installed. Now use “#include <bcm2835.h>” in your program to use bcm2835 library.


Now it's time to write a program. If you need to create a new directory within raspberry pi, you can use the ‘mkdir’ command. So type at your terminal: mkdir rpi_shield
then copy the file rpi_TTP229L provided by us and put it into the directory rpi_shield through winSCP. Next, type this command: cd rpi_TTP229L to go inside the rpi_TTP229L folder.
Then type this command: make to make an executable file; This means this is the file we run to launch the program as shown in below figure.
To make a new directory, you just need to add the name of the directory after the command, such as 'mkdir new_directory'.
Finally type this: sudo ./TTP229 to launch the program.



Touch the keys, and corresponding value is printed on the terminal as shown in below figure.
Use Ctrl+C to exit the processing program.


sudo ./TTP229 to running program

Touching different keys to print various value


  • Libraries and test code :


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