TS2493 Jaycar Electronics Group RV-3028 Real Time Clock with Supercapacitor Backup (Blue and Eco-friendly)

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Loads of projects require accurate timekeeping. Whether you're building the ultimate alarm clock or making a custom datalogger, keeping accurate time is easy and safe with our Real Time Clock (RTC). Unlike most RTC modules, this one is backed up by a supercapacitor instead of a lithium battery - making it safer for use indoor. When connected to power, the RTC trickle-charges the supercap in just a few minutes - enough to keep the clock going for a couple of weeks once power is removed. The onboard RV-3028 handles timekeeping and date with 1ppm accuracy and has an incredibly low power consumption (45nA at 3V).


Accuracy: ±1ppm @ 25°C Working Temperature: -10°C ~ +50°C Dimensions: 22.5 x 24 mm Positioning Holes: 2 x M3, spacing 18.923 mm Weight: 3.5 g


  • Safer for indoor use - no lithium battery
  • Tracks year, month, day, weekday, hour, minutes, seconds
  • Supercapacitor backed - keeps time for two weeks after power is removed
  • Automatically switches between main power and backup power
  • High accuracy clock - loses about 30 seconds per year

4.Schematic Diagram

TS24934.Schematic Diagram 1.png

TS24934.Schematic Diagram 2.png TS24934.Schematic Diagram 3.png

5.Wiring Diagram

6.Test Code (For Thonny)

from machine import I2C, Pin, ADC
import time
from Makerverse_RV3028 import Makerverse_RV3028

# Interval, in seconds, between data samples
logInterval = 1

i2c = I2C(0, sda = Pin(0), scl = Pin(1))
rtc = Makerverse_RV3028(i2c = i2c)

# ADC on Pin GP26
adc = ADC(0)

while True:
    x = adc.read_u16()
    print(rtc.timestamp(), x)
    # Opening with "a" for appending
    with open("datalog.csv", "a") as f:
        f.write(',') # Comma separator
        f.write('\n') # New line
        f.flush() # Ensure data is written
        f.close() # Really ensure data is written
        # Wait for "logInterval" seconds
        timeNow = rtc.getUnixTime()
        while rtc.getUnixTime() - timeNow < logInterval:

7.Test Result

After uploading code, Shell interface prints current time and refreshes every 100 ms.
TS24937.Test Result.png