KS3021(KS3021F)Keyestudio Raspberry Pi Pico 24 in 1 Sensor Kit

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The Keyestudio Raspberry Pi Pico 24 in 1 sensor kit mainly contains 24 commonly used sensors/modules, the Raspberry Pi Pico board, the Raspberry Pi Pico expansion board and Dupont wires. The 24 sensors and modules are fully compatible with the Raspberry Pi Pico shield. You only need to stack the Raspberry Pi Pico board onto the Raspberry Pi Pico shield, and hook up them with Dupont wires, which is simple and convenient. To make you master the electronic knowledge, detailed tutorials (MicroPython), schematic diagrams, wiring methods and test code are included. Through these projects, you will have a better understanding about programming, logic and electronics.

Kit List

